Why Does My Saw Chain Stretch?

Do you own a chainsaw?

The chain that drives your saw does the cutting. It can also cause serious problems if the chain begins to stretch. This article will explain why your saw chain is stretching and how you can fix it.

You dont want your chainsaw chain to start stretching it can cause some serious damage. But with the information in this article, youll be able to keep your chainsaw in good condition and cut through whatever wood you need!

Why Does My Saw Chain Stretch:

Here are some reasons why your saw chain might be stretching:

1. The Chain Is Too Tight Or Too Loose On The Bar

If the chain is too tight, it will cause unnecessary wear and tear on the saw. It can cause the saw to kickback and could prove dangerous.

2. The Chain Is Dirty Or Has Built-up Residue On It

A chain that is dirty or gummed up will stretch less than one that is clean. Be sure to keep your chain clean and lubricated for best results.

3. The Guide Bar Is Not The Correct Size For The Chain

Using a guide bar that is too small can cause the chain to stretch. Be sure you are using the correct size guide bar for your saw.

4. You’re Not Using The Correct Type Of Chain Lubricant

Some lubricants may not be compatible with saw chain use. Be sure to read the labels and choose a lubricant that is compatible with your saw chain.

5. This Saw Is Being Used In Applications That It Wasn’t Designed For

Certain chains may not be suitable for use in certain applications. For example, a chain designed for construction might not be ideal for use in forestry. You should ensure that you use the right chain for the job.

6. The Saw Is Not Properly Maintained

Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential for keeping a saw chain in good condition. Neglecting to perform these tasks can result in stretching.

7. The Saw Is Being Used Improperly

Incorrectly using a saw can cause unnecessary stress to the chain and cause it to stretch. Make sure you follow all safety precautions and operating instructions.

8. There Is A Manufacturing Defect

In some rare cases, a manufacturing defect can cause a chain to stretch. If you suspect this is the case, contact the manufacturer for assistance.

If your saw chain is stretching, its important to determine the cause so you can take steps to fix it.

How To Fix Saw Chain Stretch Issue:

Saw chains can stretch for many reasons. Most commonly, they are stretched because they aren’t properly tensioned or have tight spots. There are several things you can do if your saw chain is bending.

1) Make sure the chain is properly tensioned by using a tension gauge or ruler.

2) Check the chain for any tight spots. Make corrections by filing down any sharp edges that could be causing the chain to bind.

3) Lubricate the chain with bar and chain oil using a lube pump or a drip oiler.

4) Measure the length of your guide bar to check the alignment. The guide bar can be crooked and cause the chain stretch.

5) If none of the above solutions work, you might need to replace your saw chain.

How To Stop Saw Chain Stretching:

These are steps to help prevent your saw chain stretching.

Make sure the chain is properly tensioned.

It will stretch more easily if it is too loose.

Keep the chain sharpened.

A dull chain will cause the saw to work harder, which leads to more wear and tear on the chain.

Dont overload the saw.

Trying to cut through too much wood at once can put a lot of stress on the chain, leading to stretching and breakage.

Regularly clean the chain.

Chains can be damaged by dirt and sawdust, which can cause them to wear faster.

These tips will help you keep your saw chain in top condition and prevent it stretching unnecessarily.


What Can You Do If Your Chainsaw Chain Is Not Properly Tensioned?

If your chainsaw chain is loose, it can cause the saw to kick back at you, which can be extremely dangerous. A loose chain can cause the blade of your saw to fall off completely, which can be dangerous.

What Are The Consequences Of Having A Stretched Saw Chain?

The saw chain can become tangled and bind the blade, which can lead to serious injuries. Additionally, a stretched chain can cause the saw to kick back at you, which can also be extremely dangerous.

How Do I Know If My Chainsaw Chain Is Too Tight Or Too Loose?

It will be hard to move the chainsaw around if it is too tight. The chain will move on the bar if it is too loose.

How Do I Properly Tension My Chainsaw Chain?

To properly tension your chainsaw chain, you will need to loosen the adjustment screw on the side of the chainsaw bar. Once the adjustment screw is loose, you can use a tension gauge to measure the correct amount of tension for your chain. To secure the chain, tighten the adjustment screw.


We showed you how a saw chain stretches, what are the possible causes of it, and how to prevent it. This information should help you keep your chainsaw in good condition and prevent them from stretching.