Why Does Scroll Saw Wood Jump Sometimes?

Scroll saw wood can jump sometimes because of the way its cut.

When you cut a piece of wood on a scroll saw, the blade goes up and down. If the blade is going down when it hits a knot in the wood, the force can cause the wood to jump up. This is more common with hardwoods such as maple or oak.

Scroll sawing is a great way to make precise cuts in wood. You can use it to make things like boxes, puzzles, and other small projects. You can avoid jumping with a bit of practice.

When sawing wood on a scroll saw, its not uncommon to experience the wood jumping up out of the saws cutting path. While this can be frustrating, there are a few things you can do to help minimize this problem.

One of the main reasons scroll saw wood jumps is because the blade is too dull. A sharp blade will make cleaner cuts and reduce the amount of vibration that occurs when the blade passes through the wood. Keep your blades clean and sharp.

Scroll saw wood can also jump because the table is not level. When the table isnt level, it can cause the wood to shift as its being cut, which can cause it to jump out of the saws path. Before you begin cutting, make sure the table is level. If it is not, adjust it accordingly.

Finally, if the blade is too deep into the wood, it can cause the wood to jump up out of the saws path. Make sure to adjust your depth cut accordingly, so that the blade is just barely cutting into the wood. This will reduce vibration and decrease the chance of the wood bouncing off the saw’s path.
